Graveyards & Memorials
We realise that the churchyard is of great significance to many people but we must always remember that we need to meet the needs of not only our own family but other families who have loved ones buried nearby.
We are under the authority of Ely Diocese and therefore are legally obliged to follow their regulations; these regulations, which outline what is permitted in the way of churchyard memorials are listed on the Diocesan website.
All of the church yards in North Leightonstone Benefice remain open available for burials; anyone who lives within a local parish has a right to be buried within the churchyard.
Church yards are quite different from public cemeteries and there are rules which govern what is allowed in terms of memorials to those who have died.
We do try to be as flexible as possible, but it is important that the memorials are in keeping with our ancient churches and their environs.
When you are given permission to erect a memorial it is only for that memorial and you are not given permission for anything else.
With regard to flowers, the regulations state that you are permitted to have a single container of flowers which is adjacent to the grave or on the base of the memorial.
In churchyards where there are cremated remains plots, such as Alconbury, this is especially important, as more than one container can obstruct other burial plots. With this in mind, the container must be no larger than the width of the memorial tablet.
No artificial flowers are permitted in the graveyard, except for Remembrance Day poppies and Christmas wreaths. These must be removed within two months and if they are not, those who have responsibility for the up-keep of the Churchyard may remove them.
It must be pointed out that the fees paid do not mean that an individual family owns a plot; those monies go towards the upkeep and maintenance of the churchyard in the years to come.
Prior to a memorial being installed permission forms must be completed and approved.
Monumental masons are familiar with working with the local churches and can help guide you through the process and of, course, we are always available to offer support and advice.
For guidance or further information, please get in touch with the Revd Mandy Flaherty.